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Antonay Thomas
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From adolescence I was taught that if you work hard, you will be rewarded. As I got older, I realised the reward is greater than financial gain. Working hard gave me a broader sense of self and found that making my parents proud will allow me to be more content than any financial reward. Through my independence I learnt the value of money at an early age and this allowed me to have a vast appreciation for the freedom it grants.

Being a part of The Amos Bursary 2020 cohort has allowed me to acquire skills and knowledge that I’ve been able to leverage through meaningful relationships with multiple organisations. I’ve worked very closely with a mentor from Russell investments, who has taken vast amounts of time to support my scholarship, internships, and university life. This is in addition to pushing me personally and allowing me to gain experience in client conferences, host collaborative events and more.

I’ve also been able to attend and engage with professionals from Barings Plc, who took the time to meet with me and offer advice and insight. I’ve had the privilege of attending various events hosted by corporates such as Headland Consultancy. This has broadened my perspectives on employment prospects and provided vast and valuable insight into consultancy as a potential career path.